Chicago Public Schools offers Regional Gifted Centers within schools to serve academically advanced students. Students test for and are accepted into gifted programs. Regional Gifted Centers place an emphasis on thinking, reasoning, problem solving and creativity. Beasley Academic Center offers a gifted program. Students in grades Kindergarten-8th grade are provided differentiated instruction at an accelerated pace, one to two grades above grade level. Students have ample opportunity to engage in problem solving, creativity, and critical higher order thinking to address real world problems and solutions. Our gifted students have opportunities to showcase their gifts and talents, whether it is through creative arts and expression, fine arts or academic decathlons, our students are nurtured fully. Beasley's gifted program gives students the opportunity to learn and relate to others who have similar talents and interests. Our gifted classrooms are smaller in size, less than 25 students. All of our gifted education teachers are teacher leaders with specialized content area expertise. Chicago Public Schools offers all accepted gifted students, living at least 1.5 miles from Beasley, free bus transportation to and from school.
Subjects taught by teacher specialists include: