Whatever it Takes!

News & Announcements

Beasley PAC Workshops
On April 1st During Report Card Pick Up the Beasley Parent Advisory Committee will be hosting a series of workshops from 11am - 6pm in the Beasley Auditorium. Please see the flyer for more information and workshop topics.
7th/8th Boys Basketball City Champions!

7th/8th Boys Basketball City Champions! Congratulations to Coach Scott and the 7th & 8th grades boys basketball team who defeated Lindblom for the 2025 CPS City Championship.
Important 8th Grade Information

Important 8th Grade Information Parents can find upcoming announcements and details for all 8th grade activities here. Please see the attachment for the events for the entire year. This page will be updated.
Beasley Double Good Fundraiser

Beasley Double Good Fundraiser Please help Beasley fundraise to purchase school wide math and reading materials for next school year! From February 27 - March 3 please sell popcorn from your pop up store using code AKOKDT. Sell the most and win Prizes!!! Please see the flyer for more information.
Beasley Black History Events

Beasley Black History Events Celebrate with us each week by participating in our Black History activities! See the attached poster for event dates.
Beasley Winter Show: Jazzin' with the Nutcracker
This year our winter show will premiere on our Beasley YouTube Page on December 19th at 7pm. Grab popcorn and watch with the whole family as select classes showcase moves and songs they have learned in dance, music and Spanish. They will present the classic story of the Nutcracker with a twist of jazz from Duke Ellington's arrangement of the music.
CEO Martinez and Alderman Dowell Visit Beasley
Congratulations to Beasley for being recognized by Alderman Pat Dowell and CPS CEO Martinez on their visit Friday, August 30, 2024. Beasley has the largest growth in Math/Reading in Network 9. Beasley’s 1130 student enrollment is the highest on the Southside and the school continues to be a Level 1 school with 7 electives. Thank you to Principal Rader for your leadership and to all the teachers for your hard work!
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